As the dust settles on almost 1600 deaths over the past 8 weeks from Covid-19, it is only now we begin to realise the gravity of the disease and its impact on our communities and on the economy. There is no corner of our former carefree lives that Covid has not left its mark. But, as we move forward lest us not forget that we are stronger together and our determination will help us prevail.
Here at Q Health we outline the symptoms and prevention techniques to reduce the spread-
Coronavirus or Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a coronavirus. It primarily affects the lungs and airways but sometimes causes other unusual symptoms such as clotting disorders and mental confusion.
The typical symptoms include:
- Fever/High Temperature 38 C or above
• Cough (dry or productive of phlegm)
• Tiredness
• Muscle aches and pains
• Shortness of breath or gasping for breath. There are numerous other symptoms that are possible with Covid-19 but the majority of people will display the most common ones as above or else will display none or extremely mild symptoms.
If you are are suffering from any of these symptoms please consult with your doctor.
If you are in close contact with someone who is displaying symptoms or who has tested positive for Covid-19 then you need to self-isolate immediately and contact your GP.
Should you need groceries, medications or anything else brought to you while self-isolating all county councils have co-ordinators in place to arrange these deliveries if you are unable to organise it locally.https://www.locallink.ie/en/your-local-link/
Here at Q-health our phamacy team are available to discuss any concerns you may have, just contact us on 056 4441888
or Whatsapp on 087 141898.
To Prevent and Minimise the spread of Covid 19 we all must:
• Wash our hands frequently, especially before eating and after using the bathroom and after coming home having been out shopping or at work
• Using alcohol based hand-gel can be used if running water is unavailable but should only be used on visiby clean hands
• Keep a distance from people from outside your household unit of at least 2 metres at all times
• Wearing cloth or disposable masks will usually prevent you from spreading the virus to others should you have it. These are only suitable for use of up to 3 hrs at a time and then need to be washed or disposed of.
• Cleaning frequently touched surfaces in your home will also reduce the risk of it spreading quickly within a household
As we move through the various phases and restrictions begin to lift we must continue to remember to wash you hands and social distance, these 2 elements on their own will protect most of us in the community.
Stay Safe and Take Care