How To Use
For treatment of large surfaces of the skin infected with chickenpox:
- Apply PoxClin CoolMousse in ample quantity three times a day or whenever relief is desired on the affected skin area
- Apply the mousse softly into the skin – do not rub
- PoxClin CoolMousse is a light, smooth mousse and will be absorbed by the skin in little time
For prevention of scarring
- More frequent application of the mousse increases the efficiency
- The mousse relieves the itch and protects the skin, thus resulting in less scratching and fewer infections
- It is recommended to apply the mousse prior to each time the child changes clothing and whenever relief is required
The mousse dispenser of PoxClin contains 100ml of an all-natural CoolMousse. PoxClin CoolMousse has a light and pleasant fragrance as a result of lavender and chamomile extract.